Yinbin, Sichuan
- Chemical Engineering
- Control Science and Engineering
- Applied Chemistry
- Food Engineering
- Food Processing and Safety
- Food Science and Engineering
- Management Science and Engineering
- Industrial Organization and Regulation
- Rural Development
- Laws
- Education (Pre-school Education)
- Education (Vocational and Technical Education Management)
- Music
Tuition fee: 4500RMB/Year for first year
Dorm fee: 4000RMB/Year for first year
Scholarship Notice:
Age limit: 17-25
Teaching language: Chinese
Duration : 3 years
(1year Chinese language+2 years major), Chinese language teaching for all duration.
1st year Chinese language, accommodation fee 4000rmb, tuition fee is 4500rmb. After one year Chinese language study, students MUST pass HSK4.
2nd to 3rd year, tuition free, dorm free with a stipend of 1000rmb/month (10 months a year)
Documents Required:
- Documents Required for Master
- University application form
- Photocopy of valid passport
- Passport-sized photo
- Highest degree certificate & transcripts (original and notarized)
- Physical examination form within 6 months
- Non-criminal record within validity
- Bank statement letter
- CV
- Two recommendation letters from professors with hand written signature
- Study Plan
Changchun, Jilin
- Project Management
- Water Conservancy and Hydropower Project
- Hydraulic Machinery and Its Automation
- Architectural Design and Its Theory
- Municipal Engineering
- Road Engineering
- Construction of Civil Engineering
- Hydraulic Structure Engineering
Tuition fee: Free
Dorm fee: Free
Scholarship Notice:
Age limit: 18-30
Duration : 2.5 Years
Chinese langauge taught, therefore HSK4 is required before application. For first year and second year, tuition fee free, dorm fee free, allowance 1700rmb/per month, For last 0.5 year,
Tuition fee : free
Dorm fee : free
Stipends : None
Documents Required:
- University application form
- Photocopy of valid passport
- Passport-sized photo
- Highest degree certificate & transcripts (original and notarized)
- Physical examination form within 6 months
- CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- Study Plan
- Two recommendation letters from professors (hand written signature)
- Non-criminal record
- HSK4
- Bank statement over 10000rmb
CCES SERVICE FEE : $1500 ( paid after successful admission )
All documents should be sent to cceseduc@gmail.com
For more info : info@ccesedu.com